Bitfinex announces Quantfury (QTF) token listing through Delchain Partnership

(NASSAU, Bahamas – May 25, 2021) Based in Hong Kong, Bitfinex, one of the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced on its social media channels the listing of Quantfury’s QTF token. Quantfury is a global brokerage that offers commission free trading and investing of major global and crypto exchanges and is currently processing a half billion dollars per day of trading volume.

This new listing comes after Delchain’s most recent review of Quantfury’s token model and business performance. With this new listing, Quantfury is expected to witness a larger viewing audience for their tokens as Bitfinex is widely known for their strong user base and strict criteria for token listings. The trading community trusts Bitfinex’s track record of listings as they have historically focused on strong projects that will be of interest to their global customer audience.

Quantfury, a British Virgin Islands limited company, with strong expertise in trading, blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This expertise has manifested itself in one of the world’s fastest growing trading platform available with iPhone and Android phones, that has served over 200,000 users globally in just two years. The QTF token is an incentive vehicle designed to attract new users into the Quantfury trading app by benefiting them with a retrospective return of the part of their trading costs.

According to Bruno Macchialli, Delchain’s Chief Executive Officer the new listing is a huge highlight for Delchain and for Quantfury as a collective, “We are proud to know that one of our long-term clients has been highlighted by such a prestigious cryptocurrency exchange leader like Bitfinex. This announcement is especially rewarding to us as the listing was made after our review of the QTF token, this proves the importance of partnerships and the key role we play in and for our client’s success.”

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