ABO Digital and Delchain Announce Exclusive Partnership to Bring Alternative Financing Structures to the Digital Assets Space

Nassau, The Bahamas – ABO Digital and Delchain have entered an exclusive partnership to leverage each firm’s existing capabilities and bring alternative financing structures to the crypto ecosystem. The key objective is to advance blockchain adoption and fuel the web3 ecosystem. ABO Digital will look to couple the success of its parent company, Alpha Blue Ocean, in financing publicly listed companies with Delchain’s industry-leading and DARE-licensed service for trading digital assets globally.

As part of the exclusive partnership, Delchain will perform all custody and execution services for structured financings by ABO Digital through its global reach and institutional resources. Further, Delchain will assist ABO Digital by leveraging its first mover advantage from being one of the first regulated financial firms that fully supports blockchain technology and digital assets. By bringing alternative financing structures to the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem, both ABO Digital and Delchain will help finance the transition from Web2 to Web3, as well as bridge the gap between traditional and decentralized finance.

“ABO Digital is thrilled to partner with Delchain as we look to expand our offerings to crypto projects. Delchain has an extensive track record providing financial services for the global crypto space,” said Amine Nedjai, CEO at ABO Digital. “Teaming up with Delchain underscores our desire to partner with those that share ABO Digital’s vision of a decentralized future. Being based in the Bahamas, we’ve seen firsthand the global width of Delchain’s network, and we look forward to working together to advance the adoption of blockchain technology.”

“We are excited to join forces with ABO Digital, a company that is dedicated to providing innovative financing solutions to crypto projects worldwide,” said Michael Schmidt, CEO of Delchain. “This partnership will provide more comprehensive financial services and solutions to the cryptocurrency and Web3 ecosystem.”

About ABO Digital
ABO Digital is an investment firm providing alternative financing solutions to cryptocurrency projects around the world. As part of the Alpha Blue Ocean group, which has executed more than $2B in financing commitments for publicly listed companies across the globe since its inception in 2017, ABO Digital brings institutional-grade expertise and flexible financing solutions for blockchain developers worldwide.

About Delchain
Delchain is a licensed digital asset and financial services platform for institutional investors, corporations and HNWI with a full suite of secure and sophisticated digital asset services, including custody and trading.

Delchain Limited (Delchain) is a Financial and Corporate Service Provider registered under The Bahamas’ Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges (DARE) Act, regulated by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas. Delchain is a part of the Deltec International Group.

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